My first trip to New York

A family’s travel survival guide



Author: William Dello Russo

Photographer: Alessandro Saffo, Antonino Bartuccio






5.5 x 7 inches

pages 240

ISBN 978-88-95218-99-1


ISBN 978-88-95218-99-1


  • 0.1 lb
  • disponibile

Guide for all those parents who want to visit New York without feeling guilty for having dragged their children on the vacation of their dreams. My first trip to New York is an indispensable source of inspiration for those who want to learn about the Big Apple and give their children unforgettable memories of the world’s most fascinating city. In New York, every business, large or small, now has a section devoted to children. Every garden has enviable playgrounds, many restaurants are already kid friendly, and a lot of out-of-town attractions can be reached by safe alternative forms of transport such as boat, subway or bicycle. The guide presents 80 destinations, subdivided by districts and accompanied by a detailed map so you can plan to get the most out of every visit.