Sweet Venice

Storie di mori, amori e buranelli

Stories of moors, amours and epicures



Author: Alessandra Dammone

Editor: William Dello Russo

Translator: Richard Sadleir




Bilingual Italiano, English


6.7 x 9. inches

192 pages

I Edition 2016

ISBN 978-88-99180-47-8


ISBN 978-88-99180-47-8


  • 0.17 lb
  • disponibile

There are the bussolai buranelli, pandoro, castagnole, fritole, galani, fave dei morti, tiramisù, zaleti and the dolce del Santo. The confectionary of the Veneto region is made with few ingredients, all of them of very high quality, at times a bit rustic and completely void of any artifices, just like its inhabitants who are concrete and punctual.


The book describes all this universe of stories and flavours, legends and myths which are often completely unknown and accompanies them with a narration and photographs which go straight to the heart.

About the authors:
Alessandra Dammone Editor and mother, but in reverse order for importance. A Sicilian by birth and in every fibre. She spends her life writing, studying, and making cakes, certain that this is the way to save the world. www.piccolapasticceriasperimentale.it is where she relaxes. Her last success is Sweet Sicily. Sugar and Spice, and All Things Nice (Sime Books).


Colin Dutton
After earning a degree in Documentary Photography at the University of Wales, Newport, Colin has since moved to Italy, where he works on a broad range of editorial and commercial assignments. Colin also undertakes personal work and long-term projects in collaboration with NGOs and educational organizations. His work has twice been exhibited at London’s Photofusion Gallery and featured in the photographic press and on BBC television in the
UK. His clients include: The Independent Magazine (UK), THe Observer Life Magazine (UK), BBC Television (UK), The Sunday Telegraph Magazine (UK), Le Figaro (France), Conde Nast Traveler (UK and Italy), Vanity Fair (Italy), Meridiani (Italy), Anna (Italy), Viaggi del Gusto (Italy), Saveur Magazine (USA), National Geographic (USA), Neon Magazine (Germany), Maxim Fashion (Germany), Lloyds TSB (UK), Comic Relief (UK).